Thursday 27 June 2013

The Green Animal World

The start of my green blogging career

and I am starting it by talking about another blog :(

Recently I stumbled upon this awesome blog and I do not want to say I am a copier but it looks kind of like what I want my blog to be about. Primarily focused on animals and the wild but incorporating other important world topics in there. The blog is called the Green Animal World.

A little bit about me

My name is Hugh Armstrong and I am a blogger by night and an IT Technician (glamorous I know) by day and an animal and gteen enthusiast permanently. I would like to start my own blog because I think it will be something to do in the twilight hours when that magical thing called sleep won't come (seriously what is up with that, I am tired all day but can never sleep at night). Anyways I really hope you enjoy this blog and in the mean time check out these guest articles I have done!
If you love animals or plants or places or anything else that is amazing post it below and give me some ideas for interesting blog posts!

1 comment:

  1. Please also visit my blog below.
